
為何要加入Vemma 呢!  
來看看Vemma 的CEO Mr. Bk Boreyko 怎麼說! 

No. 10 - It's a binary system! 雙軌制系統 
No. 9 - Product-driven, clinially studied, single formula 產品導向、臨床研究、單一配方 
No. 8 - It's free to get started! 免費加入 
No. 7 - Incentive trips 旅遊獎勵 
No. 6 - The Matching Bonus 對等獎金 
No. 5 - Our Platinum Club Vemma 白金俱樂部 
No. 4 - Our Momentum Bonus 快速啟動獎金 
No. 3 - Our Global Bonus Pool & Rank Advancement Bonuses Vemma 全球分紅及進階獎金 
No. 2 - Our two-team approach 雙團隊運作模式/循環獎金 
No. 1 - We're a company that thinks like our Brand Partners! 公司以直銷商夥伴的立場來思考

你現在也可以免費體驗,長達九十天的雲端工作樂趣!! ^0^


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